By Susa Dey

Who hates Trump In California?:

Jerry Brown, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco City Hall and the Silicon Valley Oligarchs hate Trump because the Trump Administration is draining THEIR swamp of corruption and crony payola. They pay for and promote Deep State Anti-Trump media buzz.

San Francisco City Hall and the Silicon Valley Oligarchs (Known as "The Silicon Valley Mafia") are primarily homosexual (most are secretly so). They want to have more options for anal sex and desire a greater number of men who have been surgically changed to look like women. That is why their candidate: Obama, pushed for sex change surgery and special bathrooms for men without penises who want to have poop-hole sex with other men.

Homosexual men in large cities have quite a bit of sex in bathrooms and the "transgender" bathrooms would have given them more locations for that anal sex. They are mad that their anal sex options may be more limited because of Pence.

There were no discussions of support for women who wanted to add a penis to themselves because there are almost no known women who want to do that. All of the laws, policy discussions and issues revolved around men who wanted to cut their penises off. This is because Silicon Valley is run by homosexual men and the husbands of many of California's female Senators are closet homosexuals, with the female wives acting as "beards".

Jerry Brown, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco City Hall and the Silicon Valley Oligarchs have massive private bank accounts from rigging taxpayer money for themselves and operating insider stock market trading scams based on public policy manipulation of government contracts, grants and federal loans. They simply see their way of corruption coming to an end because of Trump and are angry that they may have consider honest work.

The rest of California loves Trump or does not really care either way.